
Worth the Wait: What to Know about Social Security Back Pay

For workers unable to do their job due to a medical condition, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to help. While former workers cannot expect to be paid anything near their previous salary from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, funds are always welcome. For those with an approved application, a bit of a bonus may be possible and that can help with budgetary concerns. Read on and find out more about SSDI and back pay.

Why You Need A Divorce Lawyer

According to studies conducted in 2016, the divorce rates in America are on the decline. Although the divorce rate has gone down compared to past years, the number of divorces in the country is still alarming. The process of divorce in the U.S. is quite complicated and lengthy and requires the expertise of a divorce attorney. Here are some of the reasons you should involve a lawyer in your divorce case.

What You Need to Know About Arson Charges

Arson is defined as the intentional burning of a property, typically in a malicious manner. Arson is a violent crime that is generally treated as a felony. Arson may involve an actual fire, but it can also include damage caused by smoke and explosions. In the past, arson laws typically applied to the property of others, but now arson can also apply to one's own property. Are you facing arson charges?

Seeking Custody And Visitation As A Grandparent

If you are a grandparent who sees their child getting a divorce, you may wonder how custody works. Can you receive custody or visitation of a child? How can you pursue a case of grandparents' rights without adding to the stress of the situation at hand? Any kind of child custody case can be very difficult to manage, especially if you are worried about making a situation more hostile. Want to make the process as smooth as possible?

Common Questions About The Probate Process

Are you about to go through probate to settle an estate, and not quite sure what to expect? You likely have several questions about the process so that you can be well prepared for what will happen.  In What Situations Is Probate Not Required? Nobody wants to go through probate if you do not have to, and probate is usually not necessary for small estates. While laws will vary between estates, know that it usually means that there is no real estate changing hands and very little in cash assets to distribute.

Will You Have To Sue And Go To Trial In An Injury Case?

When people imagine moving forward with their injury cases, it's not unusual for them to assume things will involve a personal injury lawyer presenting arguments at a trial. Although this is far from an impossible outcome, it's still not close to the most likely thing that will happen. Here's what clients should know about the possibility they might have to sue and go to trial. There Probably Won't Be a Trial

Reasons Why You Should Not Hesitate To Hire A Child Custody Attorney

Divorce is never a pretty process, and things can get even uglier when there are minors involved in the proceedings. Even if you believe that your divorce proceedings will be relatively amicable, you should still hire a child custody attorney if there are children involved. People can become emotional when dealing with their children and your soon-to-be ex might have a different attitude in mind when it comes to the child custody negotiation, even if the rest of the divorce has gone smoothly.

First Time Offender: What To Know About Traffic Violations

Traffic violations are frustrating and inconvenient to deal with. If you have been pulled over for speeding or committing some other form of a traffic violation, you will have to take some steps to deal with your ticket. If you have never dealt with a traffic violation matter before, here are some things you need to know: Make Contact To begin dealing with your traffic violation, you need to call the phone number located on your ticket.

Probate Tips For Those Preparing Their Wills

Preparing and executing wills is a part of life that most people will not want to give much thought. However, effective planning when it comes to your will can make life after your passing much easier for the survivors. Can You Take Steps To Prevent Survivors From Getting Into Disputes Over The Contents Of The Will? One of the biggest concerns people may have about their passing will be the threat of disputes or fights breaking out after their death.

Hoops You Might Need To Jump Through To Get A Hardship Driving License

A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction is likely to see your driving license suspended. This might be a disaster for you if you need to drive. Luckily, the government allows for the provision of a hardship driving license that may allow you to drive in limited circumstances. Below are some of the things you may need to do to get the license. Complete Alcohol Treatment Some states require you to go through an alcohol treatment program before you can get your hardship license.