What You Should Know About Marriage Separation

Marriage is a big step for a couple to take. On your wedding day, you vow to commit to each other for life but it doesn't always work out that way. There are a lot of things that can cause a marriage to dissolve, such as financial hardships, abuse, or growing apart. There is no shame in getting a divorce and it is sometimes better for your mental or physical health. [Read More]

Medical Malpractice Got You Worried?

Have you ever had a medical emergency? Those are the worst! But have you ever had a medical emergency go from bad to worse? Mistakes are stressful, time-consuming, and harmful. Medical emergencies can require immediate attention and can be costly. It's important to remember to always be prepared to seek out the best possible scenario for you and your family. Following these few steps can save you a lot of time, pain, and money. [Read More]

Been In A Car Accident? 4 Issues You Need To Discuss With Your Legal And Medical Teams

If you've been in a serious car accident, the first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. Once you've received medical care for your injuries, you need to start keeping an injury journal. You might not realize this, but you may continue to experience new issues in the days, weeks and months, following your accident. A journal will allow you to document any changes you experience. This information will also help your attorney negotiate the best settlement for you. [Read More]

Do You Need A Lawyer To Dispute Fault?

Nobody likes to point fingers, but car accidents are one of many situations where fault can be critical. If you live in a state that assigns responsibility for all accidents, then this determination is essential for all aspects of your claim. Even in no-fault states, determining liability is crucial if the property or personal damage from an accident exceeds the no-fault insurance limits. It can be a crushing blow to receive notification that you are being held responsible for an accident that wasn't your fault, making it all the more important to begin the dispute process as soon as possible. [Read More]