Help! How To Handle Being In Jail While Also Pregnant

If you have been unfortunate enough to have been arrested, it can be an extremely upsetting event. If you are also pregnant, however, it's doubly important to get out of jail as soon as possible and to have competent legal representation. To learn more about this situation, read on. Get Out of Jail Be sure you let law enforcement and jail personnel know that you are pregnant – even if you are far enough along for it to be fairly obvious. [Read More]

SSDI Approvals In A Hurry: What To Know

If you are unable to work due to a mental or medical condition, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) might be right for you. You must be ready to prove the severity of your condition to the Social Security Administration (SSA) before you can get benefits. In many cases, the wait to hear back from the SSA is very long — sometimes up to nearly a year. Applicants with certain conditions may be able to get approval in a hurry, though. [Read More]

3 People To Talk To When Pre-Planning Your Funeral

If you have decided that you want to pre-plan your funeral, then you could be wondering how you can go about doing so. Fortunately, there are a few people who can help you along the way. These are three people who you will probably want to talk to when you are in the midst of pre-planning your funeral. 1. Funeral Home Director First of all, you will want to talk to a funeral home director. [Read More]

Understanding Different DUI Tests

If a police officer suspects that you are driving under the influence of alcohol, they will administer tests to determine your level of impairment and the amount of drugs or alcohol in your body. It is important you call a DUI attorney when you are charged with a DUI offense. Here are some of the DUI tests that law enforcement officials administer. DUI Blood Tests Blood tests are the best way to measure the level of alcohol or drugs in a driver's body. [Read More]